Saturday, 17 September 2016

AD 03-1985: 71

"The largest and most extraordinary antique resource in the world."
Company: Newel Art Galleries

AD 09-1985: Cover

"Rudolph Nureyev in the salon of his Paris apartment."
Photographer: Derry Moore

AD 09-1985: 04

"Yucatan Discovery Cruise - A journey to paradise for archaeologists and would-bes. With archaeoastronomers aboard to guide you."
Company: Sun Line Cruises

AD 09-1985: 11

"Imagine television that escapes the extraneous."
Company: Quasar

AD 09-1985: 118

"Augustin Paege takes tea in the dining alcove..."
Photographer: Peter Vitale

Thursday, 22 August 2013

AD 12-1986: 35

"Performing the art of self expression."
Company: Petochi & Gorevic Fine Jewelry

AD 12-1986: 208

"William's Island is the pinacle, the prize, one of life's great rewards for having taken on the world and won."
Company: William's Island Associates Ltd.